Here you can find quickly what errors your site maybe has in simple seo setup. It also counts text and characters of your page quickly to review that you don't have too long title tag or meta description.
The errors are not definitive and should taken as a guide more than must to do things. Ex. Google Analytics is not detected from Google Tag Manager so if you have more advanced analytics setup the service can falsely show a error from this setup.
Quick and handy tool to check one page at a glance. Test it with your page and fix those errors that matter to your page and visitors and you have better changes to rank higher in search engines. Sadly you can only check one website per day with the free account. Here is another seositecheckup test on a different site.
Here is another SEO site scanner that will find valuable info from your website for to fix or improve. It will go through a lot of different areas of the website like pictures, analytics, meta tag information, headings and amount of content in the pages. Easy to read figures and diagrams help you to indentify problems fast and fix the most crucial errors to improve the accessibility and quality of your site.